Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Singapore Fuel Oil Hedging

The weakening trend begun early Monday is expected to continue into Asian trading today. Crude appears to have found both support and resistance levels firmly within $2 of $70, while price action in Singapore Fuel Oil 180cst should look quite similar. Unable to break through and settle consistently above the psychological $400 mark, energy markets including Sing FO look to be taking a breather. It is specifically this type of consolidation which will allow for further moves higher. The danger being, of course, of a slow grind lower where WTI and Brent break through support levels on their way back to a 5-handle (pricing in the $50 range) with Fuel Oil exhibiting similar short-term weakness and trending below $300. However, even with considerable Western-benchmark weakness, Fuel Oil cracks may remain strong as a result of Opec production cuts (which consist predominantly of the heavy-sour crude).

Consumer hedgers looking to protect against Sing FO 180 pushing above $400 can also use hedging to profit from a Brent weakening (and thus a further narrowing of the price differential between light, sweeter crude and heavy-sour crude). The August09 Sing FO 180 $410/460 call spread can be owned for only $3.00/MT when the $350 put is sold. Similarly, the August09 Brent $55/65 put spread can be owned for zero cost by selling the $79 call for financing. This type of trade positions the consumer hedger to profit from a narrowing of the sweet-sour spread. It also functions to provide protection against a strengthening of bunker fuel as a result of production and refining fundamentals vs a weakening of Brent/WTI due to a slowing of investment flows.

Singapore, 09:00